
Estonian energy policy: Energy trilemma-balance

The President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences visited the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Renewed Bilateral Agreement: The President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences visited MTA

Invitation to Ukrainian Researchers and Academics

New issues of the journals of the Estonian Academy Publishers are available

Statement of Estonian academic societies in relation to the crisis in Ukraine

The Estonian Academy of Sciences calls on all academies and chief science advisors to act to support the mitigation of the crisis in Ukraine

The scientist of Estonian University of Life Sciences was elected as expert of the EASAC Bioscienses Programme

New issues of the journals of the Estonian Academy Publishers are available

The Gulf of Finland Science Days in the Estonian Academy of Sciences

25 Years of Cooperation Between the Czech Academy of Sciences and Estonian Academy of Sciences

New issues of the journals of the Estonian Academy Publishers are available

Jüri Engelbrecht`s book was published

The honorary medal of the Baltic Academies of Sciences was handed over to Professor Edwin Kreuzer

Member of academy Jarek Kurnitski has received an award

New issues of the journals of the Estonian Academy Publishers are available