25 Years of Cooperation Between the Czech Academy of Sciences and Estonian Academy of Sciences

25 years from the first signed Bilateral Agreement for Scientific cooperation between the Czech Academy of Sciences and Estonian Academy of Sciences

President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Professor Eva Zažimalová visited Estonian Academy of Sciences on 1st November 2021. In the meeting with President Professor Tarmo Soomere, Professor Maarja Kruusmaa and Professor Jüri Engelbrecht proposals for strengthening the cooperation between Academies of Sciences in the Region of the Baltic Sea were discussed.

Professor Jüri Engelbrecht, president of the Estonian Academy of Sciences at the time the first bilateral agreement on scientific cooperation between Academies in Estonia and in Czech Republic was signed (10 May 1996) pointed out there are long traditions and good connections between Academies. President Eva Zažímalová expressed opinion the potential for scientific cooperation between Academies in Czech Republic and Estonia is larger than used by Academies. Professor Maarja Kruusmaa proposed exchange of students between Czech Republic and Estonia. President Eva Zažímalová expressed hope PhD students supervised by Member of the Czech Academy of Sciences could be recommended for a research visit in terms of bilateral agreement for scientific cooperation between Academies. It was decided that the Academies will seek for opportunities to increase the daily allowances for research visits in terms of academic exchange based on bilateral agreement for scientific cooperation. President Tarmo Soomere pointed out Estonian Academy of Sciences as the chair of the European Science Advisors Forum (ESAF, June 2020–June 2023) and European ISC Members (2022–2024) would appreciate contribution from the Czech Academy of Sciences to these networks as well as to regional consultations of academies towards providing national science advice for policy.