On 22-23 October 2018, the Academy held a conference Advisory Role of Academies in the Information-Rich Society.
The conference marked the 80th anniversary of the Estonian Academy of Sciences as well as the centenary of the Republic of Estonia.
The message of science was presented, among others, by Prof Sierd Cloetingh and Prof Antonio Loprieno. Dr Katrien Maes communicated the position of research universities. The comments on how excellent science is converted into advice by high-level experts at the EC Science Advice Mechanism (SAM) Dr Johannes Klumpers and Prof Janusz Bujnicki were complemented by an insight into problems that are faced by academies in other parts of the world, presented by Prof Jorge Huete.The viewpoint of science advice recipients was exemplified by top level decision-makers, such as Dr Robert-Jan Smits and Prof Marju Lauristin.
Examples of best practice, provided by representatives of Estonian universities, ministries, etc., were followed by panel discussions.
For further details please refer to the programme.