President Tarmo Soomere visited the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

President Tarmo Soomere visited the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW, formerly Prussian Academy of Sciences) on 3–5 June 2022.

President Tarmo Soomere and President Christoph Markschies signed the new Annex to  the Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Academies at the festive reception of the General Assembly of the BBAW in Berlin on 3 June 2022. The Annex expands the agreement originally signed on 16 May 2002 in Tallinn and promulgates that cooperation of the two Academies shall be expanded to cover science advice as an essential joint task.

On the next day, Tarmo Soomere participated in the festive meetings of the Leibniz Day (here) at the Berlin Concert Hall.  

In a meeting on 5 June, Tarmo Soomere and Christoph Markschies discussed the challenges faced by Academies and opportunities for extension of cooperation.