Julius AAMISEPP | 1946* | Root Crop Breeding | 01.09.1883 | 19.01.1950 |
Agu AARNA | 1961 | Organic Chemistry | 11.10.1915 | 11.12.1989 |
Hillar ABEN | 1977 | Mechanics | 03.12.1929 | 21.01.2024 |
Albrecht ALTMA | 1946* | Physics | 23.03.1897 | 08.05.1969 |
Nikolai ALUMÄE | 1954 | Structural Mechanics | 12.09.1915 | 27.03.1992 |
Richard ANTONS | 1951 | Economics | 11.02.1899 | 10.05.1966 |
Paul ARISTE | 1954 | Linguistics | 03.02.1905 | 02.02.1990 |
Harald ARMAN | 1946* | Architecture | 22.05.1910 | 13.05.1965 |
Pavel BOGOVSKI | 1993 | Oncology | 10.03.1919 | 08.03.2006 |
Nikolai BUZULUKOV | 1951 | Economics | 04.05.1905 | 15.09.1979 |
Aleksandr DOBRJANSKI | 1951 | Chemistry | 26.08.1889 | 31.01.1965 |
Johan EICHFELD | 1946* | Plant Cultivation and Plant Breeding | 26.01.1893 | 20.04.1989 |
Olaf EISEN | 1972 | Organic Chemistry | 28.04.1920 | 14.03.1989 |
Harald HABERMAN | 1946* | Zoology | 19.12.1904 | 16.12.1986 |
Raimund HAGELBERG | 1981 | Economics | 07.02.1927 | 17.07.2012 |
Johannes HEIL | 1951 | Engineering | 15.09.1895 | 24.07.1991 |
Arnold HUMAL | 1951 | Mathematics | 10.03.1908 | 13.12.1987 |
Leo JÜRGENSON | 1946* | Structural Mechanics | 21.01.1901 | 07.09.1986 |
Juhan KAHK | 1969 | History | 01.08.1928 | 28.06.1998 |
Gunnar KANGRO | 1961 | Mathematics | 21.11.1913 | 25.12.1975 |
Paul KARD | 1961 | Physics | 15.12.1914 | 03.09.1985 |
Arnold KASK | 1961 | Estonian Language | 10.08.1902 | 30.07.1994 |
Harald KERES | 1961 | Theoretical Physics | 15.11.1912 | 26.06.2010 |
Aksel KIPPER | 1946* | Astrophysics | 05.11.1907 | 25.09.1984 |
Oskar KIRRET | 1961 | Chemistry | 27.11.1909 | 18.12.1991 |
Aleksandr KIUR-MURATOV | 1951 | Veterinary Science | 20.09.1898 | 08.03.1968 |
Feodor KLEMENT | 1951 | Physics | 30.05.1903 | 28.06.1973 |
Arnold KOOP | 1986 | History | 16.07.1922 | 21.04.1988 |
Alfred KOORT | 1946* | Philosophy | 29.05.1901 | 28.09.1956 |
Ilmar KOPPEL | 1993 | Natural Sciences (Physical Chemistry) | 16.01.1940 | 09.01.2020 |
Arvo KRIKMANN | 1997 | Humanities | 21.07.1939 | 27.02.2017 |
Lembit KRUMM | 1987 | Energetics | 20.07.1928 | 13.12.2016 |
Hans KRUUS | 1946* | History | 22.10.1891 | 30.06.1976 |
Valdek KULBACH | 1986 | Structural Mechanics | 06.04.1927 | 31.01.2020 |
Eerik KUMARI | 1961 | Zoology | 07.03.1912 | 08.01.1984 |
Grigori KUZMIN | 1961 | Astronomy | 08.04.1917 | 22.04.1988 |
Harri KÄÄR | 1994 | Engineering | 01.07.1944 | 20.04.1997 |
Arno KÖÖRNA | 1972 | Economics | 02.02.1926 | 21.12.2017 |
Rein KÜTTNER | 1997 | Engineering | 25.11.1940 | 15.11.2024 |
Ferdinand LAJA | 1946* | Veterinary Science | 17.04.1889 | 02.01.1956 |
Heinrich LAUL | 1961 | Structural Engineering | 05.08.1910 | 16.04.1991 |
Ülo LEPIK | 1993 | Mechanics | 11.07.1921 | 12.02.2022 |
Georg LIIDJA | 1987 | Physics | 04.08.1933 | 12.06.2017 |
Ülo LILLE | 1983 | Biotechnology | 16.09.1931 | 02.01.2023 |
Artur LIND | 1987 | Molecular Biology | 06.04.1927 | 30.11.1989 |
Endel LIPPMAA | 1972 | Chemical Physics | 15.09.1930 | 30.07.2015 |
Juri LOTMAN | 1990 | Semiotics of Culture | 28.02.1922 | 28.10.1993 |
Artur LUHA | 1946* | Geology | 09.07.1892 | 29.12.1953 |
ÜLO LUMISTE | 1993 | Mathematics | 30.06.1929 | 20.11.2017 |
Tšeslav LUŠTŠIK | 1964 | Solid state physics | 15.02.1928 | 08.08.2020 |
Viktor MAAMÄGI | 1961 | History | 12.10.1917 | 31.05.2005 |
Ottomar MADDISON | 1946* | Engineering | 31.03.1879 | 30.01.1959 |
Richard MAHL | 1954 | Chemical Technology | 28.08.1898 | 26.06.1964 |
Udo MARGNA | 1987 | Plant Physiology | 18.11.1934 | 17.05.2019 |
Jüri MARTIN | 1990 | Ecology | 29.09.1940 | 21.01.2025 |
Viktor MASING | 1993 | Biogeography | 11.04.1925 | 18.03.2001 |
Enn MELLIKOV | 2003 | Technology of Materials | 01.04.1945 | 23.07.2018 |
Uno MERESTE | 1994 | Humanities and Social Sciences | 27.05.1928 | 06.12.2009 |
Lennart MERI | 2001 | Humanities | 29.03.1929 | 14.03.2006 |
Harri MOORA | 1957 | Archaeology | 02.03.1900 | 02.05.1968 |
Hilda MOOSBERG | 1951 | History | 23.11.1903 | 31.05.1985 |
Gustav NAAN | 1951 | Philosophy | 17.05.1919 | 12.01.1994 |
Jüri NUUT | 1946* | Mathematics | 10.07.1892 | 31.05.1952 |
Ergo NÕMMISTE | 2012 | Exact Sciences | 27.06.1956 | 11.04.2019 |
Eve OJA | 2010 | Mathematics | 10.10.1948 | 27.01.2019 |
Karl ORVIKU | 1946* | Geology | 17.07.1903 | 07.03.1981 |
Kalju PAAVER | 1969 | Biology | 16.12.1921 | 18.03.1985 |
Viktor PALM | 1978 | Organical Chemistry | 17.09.1926 | 23.01.2010 |
Aleksander PANKSEJEV | 1983 | History | 20.10.1921 | 27.11.1989 |
Andrus PARK | 1987 | Philosophy | 17.12.1949 | 14.08.1994 |
Erast PARMASTO | 1972 | Botany | 23.10.1928 | 24.04.2012 |
Juhan PEEGEL | 1977 | Filology | 19.05.1919 | 06.11.2007 |
Mihkel PILL | 1946* | Grain Breeding | 07.01.1884 | 19.06.1951 |
Aarne PUNG | 1954 | Cattle Breeding | 30.06.1909 | 14.08.1994 |
Eduard PÄLL | 1961 | Estonian Language | 15.09.1903 | 13.06.1989 |
Hugo RAUDSEPP | 1961 | Organic Chemistry | 17.09.1900 | 06.01.1976 |
Anto RAUKAS | 1977 | Geology | 17.02.1935 | 19.04.2021 |
Jaan REBANE | 1975 | Philosophy | 13.05.1924 | 10.11.1993 |
Karl REBANE | 1961 | Theoretical Physics | 11.04.1926 | 04.11.2007 |
Loit REINTAM | 1990 | Soil Science | 12.11.1929 | 17.01.2010 |
Juhan ROSS | 1993 | Biogeophysics | 14.08.1925 | 21.06.2002 |
Ellu SAAR | 2022 | Sociology | 08.10.1955 | 02.06.2024 |
Joosep SAAT | 1951 | History | 30.07.1900 | 16.01.1977 |
Oskar SEPRE | 1946* | Economics | 20.05.1900 | 23.11.1965 |
Ilo SIBUL | 1957 | Physiology | 10.02.1908 | 31.01.1979 |
Karl SIILIVASK | 1977 | History | 20.01.1927 | 18.11.2017 |
Helle SIMM | 1977 | Hydrobiology and Hydrochemistry | 23.01.1920 | 07.10.1991 |
Boris TAMM | 1972 | Cybernetics | 23.06.1930 | 05.02.2002 |
Vello TARMISTO | 1977 | Economics | 07.01.1918 | 06.11.1991 |
Alma TOMINGAS | 1946* | Pharmacy | 15.09.1900 | 29.01.1963 |
Nikolai TOMSON | 1946* | Air hygiene of residential buildings | 14.02.1898 | 02.04.1972 |
Hans-Voldemar TRASS | 1975 | Botany and Ecology | 02.05.1928 | 14.02.2017 |
Andrei TŠERNÕŠOV | 1951 | Fuel Chemistry and Energetics | 22.04.1904 | 22.11.1953 |
Friedebert TUGLAS | 1946* | Literature | 02.03.1886 | 15.04.1971 |
Peeter TULVISTE | 1994 | Humanities and Social Sciences | 28.10.1945 | 11.03.2017 |
Enn TÕUGU | 1981 | Informatics | 20.05.1935 | 30.03.2020 |
Juhan VAABEL | 1946* | Jurisprudence | 26.08.1899 | 10.04.1971 |
Voldemar VADI | 1946* | Medicine | 25.02.1891 | 05.11.1951 |
August VAGA | 1946* | Botany | 15.03.1893 | 11.12.1960 |
Gennadi VAINIKKO | 1986 | Mathematics | 31.05.1938 | 01.11.2024 |
Artur VASSAR | 1961 | History | 18.11.1911 | 17.07.1977 |
Mihkel VEIDERMA | 1975 | Inorganic Chemistry | 27.12.1929 | 25.10.2018 |
Arnold VEIMER | 1957 | Economics | 20.06.1903 | 03.03.1977 |
Johannes Voldemar VESKI | 1946* | Linguistics | 27.06.1873 | 28.03.1968 |
Aleksander VOLDEK | 1969 | Electrical Engineering | 02.04.1911 | 27.01.1977 |
Andres ÖPIK | 2013 | Engineering | 04.05.1947 | 28.01.2023 |
Ilmar ÖPIK | 1967 | Thermophysics | 17.06.1917 | 29.07.2001 |