Call for Applications for Estonian-Hungarian research cooperation projects (2025–2027)

Call for Applications for Estonian-Hungarian research cooperation projects (2025–2027)

The Estonian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, announces a call for applications to support research visits within the framework of research cooperation projects in the years 2025–2027. The general aim of the call is to support cooperation between Estonian and Hungarian researchers.

The deadline for submitting applications is September 30, 2024.

Project partners
In Estonia, applications are welcome from researchers of all disciplines and research fields who work in positively evaluated research institutions here and wish to continue existing or start new cooperation with cooperation partners in Hungary.

The Hungarian partner must be on the list of Centers of Excellence recognized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Financial support
Through this scheme academies support mutual visits of researchers.
The host academy books and covers the visiting researcher's accommodation expenses during the visit and pays the per diem according to the host academy's tariffs.
NB! Within this scheme, the visa and international travel costs of Estonian researchers are not covered, nor are the costs of conducting research. Conditions may be different in Hungary, it depends on the organization.

Submission of applications
In Estonia, the application must be submitted together with the mandatory annexes (including a project description and a declaration (the document can be either signed electronically or signed on the paper and upload the scanned document) signed by both partners in the e-environment of the Academy of Sciences contests at

NB! An application with the same content must be submitted by the Hungarian partner to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences based to their conditions. The deadline for applications is Hungary is also September 30, 2024. More information in Hungary: Gergely Mészáros, e-mail, phone +36 1 411 6154, +36 30 145 3403

Schedule of the Call

  • before submitting the application – contact with the institution (researchers) with whom you wish to cooperate and together prepare the content of the project;
  • September 30, 2024 – deadline for submission of applications in both Estonia and Hungary
  • October – November – the Estonian and Hungarian academies of sciences mutually agree on the lists of applications to be evaluated and the agreed applications are sent for evaluation
  • December – the Council of the Foreign Exchange Foundation of Estonia Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences together make the final decision on the approval of applications. Hopefully the results will be known before Christmas and will be communicated to applicants as soon as possible.

Additional information and contact: Terje Tuisk,